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Age UK Norwich expands support into Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital

Published on 25 July 2022 11:00 PM

At Age UK Norwich, we have now begun our work within the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) doing hospital discharge where we aim to support people in later life when leaving hospital. We know it can be a very frightening and lonely time when in hospital, which is why we have this support available.

Our staff members in the hospitals main aim is to prevent crises which could occur when someone leaves hospital without having the correct support and care that they need to stop further issues from occurring. When the patients are still in the hospital, our staff use Maintenance Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (MCST), which helps to prevent the risk of deconditioning. When a patient leaves the hospital and they need further support, we provide complex support, where we help individuals living with complex health and/or social conditions that need regular practical and emotional support to live as independently as possible, and/or reduce the risk of unnecessary decline, crisis, or re-hospitalisation. This is provided through a multi-disciplinary team experienced in caregiving and information and advice, able to support clients, families and carers with a variety of areas of support through Age UK Norwich or their local area.

Our qualified staff from Age UK Norwich have started helping on the Gunthorpe Ward at the NNUH. Providing cognitive stimulation and access to a wide variety of information, advice and support to the patients on this ward who are close to being discharged from the hospital. In doing so, they should be providing additional care that will help with mental and social reconditioning prior to discharge so that on return home they are in a better place. This also allows them to understand their needs prior to discharge and allow the opportunity to follow up post discharge or signpost to other parts of Age UK Norwich.

On a personal note, from Michael Barber, Health and Community Support Manager – “We are really excited to be on ward and the impact that we can make to the lives of older people and supporting the amazing staff at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. I’m sure by working together we can improve how people feel when they are on ward, gearing up for their return home and making sure they feel supported, and solutions are put in place for them in the community.”

CEO, Dan Skipper said “For a long time we have had clients referred to us after an episode in hospital, often weeks or maybe months have passed before people reach out in crisis, needing urgent support. Being at hospital gives an amazing opportunity to support people at a time of extreme vulnerability and work with the hospital staff, the patient and their families, to make sure that that person is supported on discharge and as they try to recover from their illness or injury.”