FAQs for Age Friendly Norwich
Age Friendly Norwich is part of a global initiative, headed up by the World Health Organisation (WHO), to address our changing demographic.
The UK Network of Age friendly Communities is an affiliate of the WHO. The Centre for Ageing Better( CfAB) works with WHO, and they provide more direct support to communities across the UK.
Becoming an Age-friendly Community is guided by the WHO Framework of the Age Friendly Domains:
- Transportation
- Housing
- Social participation
- Respect and social inclusion
- Civic participation and employment
- Communication and information
- Community support and health services
- Outdoor spaces and buildings
By way of staff resource, Denise works on the project 2 days a week.
Age UK Norwich initiated Age Friendly Norwich but has now gained commitment and is supported by Norwich City Council as part of their community led plan to make Norwich’ a fairer city’. Other partners will be invited to join the network.
Age Friendly Norwich is an essential strategy to ensure that we remain an inclusive city as we grow older and live longer. Our services and infrastructure must develop to reflect this change in demographic and become future-proofed.
The remit of the project is Norwich currently. However, Norfolk has a few Age Friendly communities (North Norfolk, Framlingham), and there are future aspirations to be an Age Friendly County.
Denise has been working on the Age Friendly Project since March, but the initiative was officially launched in Norwich on the 3rd of October.
We are currently funded for a year, but we will be around for much longer!
The project is funded by Norwich City Hall and Norwich Consolidated Charities.
To become Age Friendly, we had to submit an application to the Centre for Ageing Better and produce a comprehensive research report about the state of ageing in Norwich.
The 4 steps to becoming Age Friendly include:
- Engage and Understand
- Plan strategically
- Act and Implement
- Monitor and Evaluate
Since we have launched, the Age Friendly Norwich action plan is to decide on a governance structure with City Hall, and to continue engaging with the public to understand what our priorities should be.
What is an age-friendly community?
An Age Friendly Community is a place that develops its services, buildings and infrastructure to be more inclusive of all its residents and their quality of life as we age. Also developing support and relationships between the generations.
What are the benefits of Age-Friendly Norwich?
Age-Friendly Norwich is a initiative that works to make Norwich a more inclusive and accessible place for people of all ages, with a special focus on older residents. The program is part of the wider age-friendly communities' network that promotes active, healthy, and engaged ageing.
What’s happening in Norwich?
Age Friendly Norwich was launched in October 2024 as part of Norwich City Council community led plan to make Norwich’ a fairer city’ we are gathering feedback from those in Norwich to understand your issues or concerns. We are going out visiting communities and events to meet people and to find out what would make Norwich a good place to live, work and visit as we get older.
Why do we need Age Friendly Norwich?
We are a growing and ageing population, and we’d like the city of Norwich to reflect this reality through its services and infrastructure.
Tackling ageism and assumptions around growing older, physical and social environments impact our ageing experience significantly Age Friendly Norwich will look at how infrastructure, services and attitudes can be improved to make the fine City of Norwich more accessible and welcoming to over 50s.
How can communities support Age Friendly Norwich?
Local communities and residents can support the initiative by attending the public engagement events we host, or interact with us on our website, social media pages or by telephone or post with your issues and concerns. We want to understand your priorities, needs and barriers.
Residents could consider becoming a volunteer and being an ambassador for Age Friendly Norwich in their community.
Local businesses can support Age Friendly Norwich by taking the Age Friendly Employer pledge. This entails employers reviewing their recruitment and staff policies to make sure they are inclusive and welcoming to employees of all ages. Age UK Norwich can support you with this process.