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As an independent charity in Norwich, our mission is to improve the quality of later life by working with our residents to create an age friendly and inclusive city where they can thrive, supported by opportunity and services that enhance and protect their health and wellbeing.

  • We offer a wide range of services that enable us to support people holistically across different presenting needs. This Prospectus provides full details of each service we offer and is aimed at professionals/commissioners who want to understand the full offer of Age UK Norwich, our impacts and strategy.

    View our Prospectus summary

    View our Prospectus here

  • Take a look at our latest "Our Impact" report! This publication showcases how we've made a real difference over the last year. From providing social activities and combating isolation to securing vital financial benefits and offering essential support, you'll see how Age UK Norwich is here to empower and uplift Norwich's older population.

    > View the 'Our Impact' report

    > View the plain text 

    > Listen to the 'Our Impact' report


Our Annual Accounts

Year ending 31st March 2023

Meet our people

  • Key Contacts

    We have a team of 43 dedicated staff members, helping us to deliver information and advice, actvities and home visits. Find out more about them and our leadership team, including our CEO.

  • Trustees

    Our Trustees are a key group of volunteers whose primary role is as trustees of the assets and mission of the organisation. 

General Privacy 

Click here to take you to our general privacy page which explains the information we may need from you to access our services, how we use it, who we may share it with and how long we keep it for. It also explains your rights and how you can contact us for more information in relation to the information we may hold about you, as defined by the Data Protection Act 2018.