Home & Garden Maintenance Team

- Location: Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
- Price: Costs may vary
Available within the Scarborough Borough, and Ryedale areas.
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
39 Aberdeen Walk
North Yorkshire
YO11 1BD
United Kingdom
Email: domesticservices@ageuknycm.org.uk
Telephone: 01723379058
Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/northyorkshirecoastmoors
There are times when we all need a bit of help around our home, and we can provide that for you.
Our ability to care for ourselves and our home can lessen with age, as certain tasks become harder, or impossible, without assistance. There is no shame in asking for help, but many who wish to maintain their self-dependency can struggle to find it. Who to ask? What to do? Where to go? These are all questions that Independent Living can answer, by offering a wide range of services to those in need, and delivering them over the doorstep. This includes everything from smaller tasks (eg: hanging picture frames or changing lightbulbs), to gardening, plumbing (eg: fixing radiators) and electrical needs.
We do more than listed here, and you can always phone us to find out what is available. If you have a specific service in mind, we can arrange it. Services and time-slots are booked in advance, for one-off, repeating, or seasonal appointments. These appointments can be daily, weekly, or monthly, upon your request. If you need it, Independent Living can provide it. Most of our services are pay-on-demand, and delivered into your home with our experienced staff. We always give you an estimate of costs before any work. We accept cheques, though credit or debit cards are preferable, and you can choose to pay at any time before, during, or after the work is complete. Should you have any concerns, please tell our visiting handyperson, and we can arrange other services for you as and when needed. If you require something that is beyond the scope of our work, we will do our best to direct you to the most appropriate service.
We intend to offer home support services in the near future, and we are also open to co-operation with other organisations, for the provision of contracts, sub-contracts, and commissions.
[This service is a part of Independant Living]
Living Well: Your Way