"Rise to Thrive" Employability Service

- Location: Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
39 Aberdeen Walk
North Yorkshire
YO11 1BD
United Kingdom
Email: enquiries@ageuknycm.org.uk
Telephone: 01723 379058
Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/northyorkshirecoastmoors
Our criteria-based service for those who need help finding employment, with one-to-one guidance.
Unemployment, and job-searching, are difficult times, especially when one has not been able to work for an extended period. We might not know what to do, or what to look for, and caring for our own physical and mental health during that process is already a struggle. Our employability service, Rise to Thrive, is intended for economically-inactive people in that situation. We want to give people the knowledge, skills, and confidence to effectively search for work on their own. Through one-to-one discussions, we understand a person's needs and interests, focus on what can be done, set realistic goals, and provide help with everything from CV writing, to effective job searches.
Rise to Thrive is a free, self-referral service. The duration and number of sessions will vary depending on individual needs. If short-term help on a single aspect is required (such as CV-writing only), then that is what we will do. Sessions are often a fortnightly basis at our main office in Scarborough, and can last up to 4 months if longer-term help is required. Extra assistance and notes can be provided, and all participants will receive a certificate for employability-related training at the conclusion. For more information, or to sign-up, please contact our main office.