"Multiply" Maths Tutelage

- Location: Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
39 Aberdeen Walk
North Yorkshire
YO11 1BD
United Kingdom
Email: enquiries@ageuknycm.org.uk
Telephone: 01723 379058
Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/northyorkshirecoastmoors
Our training service that teaches you mathematics and how to manage your finances.
Mathematics are often necessary in life, but this subject is hard to learn and many struggle. Tests are difficult, and those who struggle with this subject may be held back by not having a qualification for it. Multiply is our numeracy training and wellbeing service for anybody 19+. Anyone who scored below-average in their GCSEs, scored a pass-grade during the Covid-19 pandemic, took an O-Level and would like help, or someone who has no GCSEs at all because they were born in another country, is eligible for this service. We teach practical maths and an understanding of economics, not just to help you with everyday life and managing money, but to give you confidence and to earn that vital qualification which could secure employment.
Multiply is a free, self-referral service. Training is often done in small groups, and we provide materials and written information on how to do sums. Instructions and tips are included. Typically, multi-hour sessions are set over one to two weeks. At the moment, these sessions take place at our Scarborough offices, and at other locations in Ryedale. For more information, or to sign-up, please contact our main office.