"Move & More" Mobility Help

- Location: Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
- Price: Free
£40 per session, over eight sessions. A 10% discount is available to those who pay for all sessions in one go.
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
39 Aberdeen Walk
North Yorkshire
YO11 1BD
United Kingdom
Email: moveandmore@ageuknycm.org.uk
Telephone: 01723 379058
Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/northyorkshirecoastmoors/
Our open, paid-for service to improve mobility with exercise and one-to-one support at home.
"Move & More" is our open self-help program that aims to increase mobility, teaching participants safe, simple movements, and give them the confidence to implement these changes into daily life. Our holistic approach will focus on the needs of every participant, to ensure that they receive appropriate care. Individual goals may include greater mobility, better grip and core strength, improved balance, or the ability to stand during activities. We can also help those suffering with social isolation and loneliness, by giving participants the tools, assurance, and opportunity they need to create lasting positive changes in both their physical 'and' mental health. We can also offer further assistance, enabling participants to do more, such as helping them to get referrals, or other acts typically covered by Social Prescribing.
This service is available and open to any who choose to sign-up. All sessions are £40, and delivered on a personal one-to-one basis, in the convenience and comfort of the participant's home. Typically, sessions occur once per week, spanning eight weeks. A 10% discount is available if you buy all sessions together. Participants are also gifted with a self-help pack that includes exercise bands, grip balls, and a booklet to help them continue their physical health journey beyond the initial sessions.
We have another similar service, "Get Moving", that is free to those most in-need, and available to those who meet the criteria of our assessment. If you would benefit from more intense help, or the person you are looking after is more at-risk, please contact us or look at the "Get Moving" page.