"Digital Champions" Tech Help Service

- Location: Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
- Price: Free
Age UK North Yorkshire Coast and Moors
39 Aberdeen Walk
North Yorkshire
YO11 1BD
United Kingdom
Email: enquiries@ageuknycm.org.uk
Telephone: 01723 379058
Website: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/northyorkshirecoastmoors/
Our free educational service for those needing to use modern devices (mobile phones, laptops, etc) or access online services.
As we experience the phase-out of standard telephone networks, many organisations have already turned digital, and now require access and interaction via the internet. However, the rapid adoption of digital technology has not prepared many older people for its use, and this is critical when someone needs to access healthcare. Anyone would struggle to use something new and complicated without intruction, especially when they do not know who to ask, but with our Digital Champions service we can teach everyone who needs help. We do not offer generic, same-for-all lessons; our guidance is focused only what a participant needs, and we intend to help for as long as it takes. We can show anyone how to operate modern devices (mobile phones, laptops, etc), and how to use them for everyday tasks (setting up e-mail addresses, shopping online, booking GP appointments, using the NHS app, and more).
We offer one-on-one home visits and group sessions for the chance to talk and learn with others, and an outreach program at known locations (such as libraries). Our sessions are free, practical, and short, lasting no more than an hour. We also offer appropriate care based on any individual need or disability. We accept self-referrals, so if you think that you would benefit from our training, please contact us via reception.