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Information and Advice

  • Location: Age UK Northumberland
  • Price: Free
Call 01670 784 800 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Northumberland - Head Office's catchment area.

Age UK Northumberland
The Round House
Lintonville Parkway
NE63 9JZ
United Kingdom

The information and advice you need to enjoy later life in Northumberland.

Free, confidential, impartial and independent advice for the over 50s, their families, carers and organisations.

Telephone Advice Service

Monday to Thursday
10am - 1pm
01670 784 800

We provide free confidential, impartial and independent advice for the over 50s, their families, carers and organisations working with them across a wide range of subjects.

Our advisers are trained to help you on the following topics:
• Social care - such as finding a care home or getting some help at home, and how it's funded.
• Your income - including free benefits checks, help with applying for benefits and pension advice.
• Your home - information on staying warm at home, home adaptations and how to prevent falls.
• Legal issues - such as wills, Power of Attorney, and how to deal with an estate.
• Social activities - local leisure, health and educational activities

Welfare Rights Service

Monday to Thursday
10am until 1pm
01670 784800

Free confidential, impartial and independent advice to people of pensionable age including:

• Benefit checks
• Form completion
• Appeals to Tribunal
• Home Visits

Our specialist welfare rights team provides a full casework service. In 2021/2022, we helped 1,191 older people in Northumberland to secure £1,141,400 in additional benefits and grants, carried out 404 benefit checks, and opened 186 case files for clients.

Information and Advice Statement of Service

For further information about the Age UK Northumberland Information and Advice Service, please download our Service Statement.

How we can help - our client's story

What our clients say

Useful links

Do you feel you aren't being listened to?

Our advocacy service helps you say what you want, represent your opinions and access the services you need to help you enjoy later life!