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We're in need of some big knitters!

Age UK and Innocent Drinks have announced the Big Knit campaign will be returning for 2024 and we're excited to hear the continued clicking of knitting needles across Northumberland!

So if you can help us hit our target, dust down your needles, choose one of the many fantastic Big Knit patterns (or better still design your own) and get knitting!

Knitting Tutorials and Patterns

If you're new to knitting here's a great tutorial to get you started:

The Innocent Big Knit - Learn to knit a little hat

Now you're ready to get started, begin with one of our beginner patterns, you'll get it in no-time and make a big difference in the process Knitting Patterns

A quick online search will also give you lots of exciting knitting ideas for the Big Knit - we can't wait to see your creations!

What is the Big Knit?

The Big Knit campaign is run by Age UK in partnership with Innocent Drinks and encourages knitters from across the  UK to make little hats which are used to adorn the tops of the Innocent smoothie bottles.

For every little hat we receive we will raise 25p to help older people in Northumberland.

How you can get involved?

We would love you to knit or crochet as many little hats as possible and then send your beautiful creations to us here at Age UK Northumberland. We will then send them off altogether to Innocent Drinks ensuring that every penny raised through your hard work returns to us to help support the older people of Northumberland.

Knitters of all ages can get involved and there are lots of interesting knitting and crochet patterns for all abilities available. So you can get as creative as you like.

Every delivery of Big Knit hats to our office is exciting and we can't wait to see what the talented knitters and crocheters of Northumberland will create for us this year.

You can download a range of knitting patterns here: Knitting Patterns from beginner designs through to advanced creations or better still, create your own and send us your pattern for us to share.

If you are looking for inspiration why not take a look at the patterns available on Innocents Big Knit or Jo's Big Knit websites.


How to send us your little hats

When your little hats are ready, please send them to us at:

Age UK Northumberland, The Round House,Lintonville Parkway, Ashington, NE63 9JZ

We will make sure they are looked after until the time is right to send them to Innocent Drinks.

Alternatively, if you're unable to get them to us, we're happy to collect, just give our team a call on
01670 784 800.

We'd love to say a big thank you for all your hard work, so do include your name and contact details and keep an eye on our facebookTwitter and Instagram pages, as we love to share pictures of our favourite hats.