Paramount Peddled for a Purpose

In March 2017, Paramount Gym in Bedlington, supported the older people of Northumberland by holding Peddling for a Purpose, a marathon exercise challenge that raised over £3000 for the Age UK Northumberland Friendship Line.
Participants were split into teams and throughout the day, each team took part in various exercise sessions – including a lot of time of the indoor spinning bikes.
Rachel Todd from Age UK Northumberland said: “We are thrilled that the team at Paramount has chosen Age UK Northumberland as its charity of the year. All of the money raised from Peddling For A Purpose has gone towards the development of our Friendship Line, which we launched in July."
“Not a lot of people know this, but Age UK Northumberland is actually a small independent charity and we rely on grants and fundraising to sustain our services. A huge thank you to everyone at Paramount for going that extra mile for the older people of Northumberland."