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Nominate an Age UK Volunteer Today

Published on 14 September 2017 11:00 PM

This November, Age UK Northumberland is holding a 'Big Thank You Lunch and Awards' for all of our volunteers. Nominations are now in for our search to recognise those volunteers who give up their time, energy and skills to help others in the local community and who support AUKN is achieving its purpose in ensuring that older people enjoy later life in Northumberland.

During September and October, nominations were collected for the following categories:

Information and Advice

Lunch Clubs

Day Centres

Health Promotion/Wellbeing


The Round House Volunteers (Café and Activities)

All of Age UK Northumberland’s volunteers are invited to the event and the awards presentation will be held at The Round House on 1st November 2017 and awards will be presented by AUKN’s Chairman Andrew Marsh.

Andrew said: " Over the past few months, the Trustees and I have been visiting our various services and we are truly inspired by the dedication and passion volunteers show, on a daily basis, to our older community.  We are truly grateful for allof their ongoing commitment."