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Admiral Nurses

  • Location: Age UK North Tyneside
  • Price: Free
Call 0191 280 8484 for more info

Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK North Tyneside - Head Office's catchment area.

Our Admiral Nurse service is a comprehensive dementia support service to help assist people along every step of their dementia journey.

What is an Admiral Nurse?

Admiral Nurses are specialist dementia nurses who give expert practical, clinical and emotional
support. They are registered nurses who work in the community, supporting those living with
dementia to stay at home for longer.

If you have a diagnosis of dementia or you are a carer/relative of someone who does, an Admiral Nurse can:
• provide specialist practical advice, and emotional and psychological support from diagnosis to post bereavement, helping you deal with your feelings and learn coping strategies.
• be your single point of contact, helping to join up different parts of the health and social care system and meeting your needs in a coordinated way.
• give you the knowledge to understand dementia and its effects, and the skills to improve how you communicate with someone living with dementia.
• offer advice on referrals to other services and liaise with health and social care professionals on your behalf, sharing best practice with them so you get the best care possible.
• support you at difficult times in your dementia journey, including when the condition progresses, or when tough decisions need to be made, such as moving a family member into residential care.

Our Admiral Nurse service

As a team we offer emotional and practical support for people living with dementia and carers
of people living with dementia. We provide a listening ear through these difficult times, offer
information and advice about dementia and signpost for more specialist advice.

We aim to:
• Provide a holistic package of services that can support both people living with dementia, and their carers at all points through their dementia journey.
• Be recognised as an expert in dementia and as a lead provider of information and services for people living with dementia, and their carers.
• Be a lead provider of care and support services for people living with dementia and their carers in North Tyneside.
• Ensure people living with dementia and their carers have access to preventative activities.
• Ensure people living with dementia are valued and can continue to make a positive contribution to community life.

How can I speak to an Admiral Nurse in North Tyneside?

Please note:  Carer must be supporting an individual who has a formal diagnosis of dementia or is in the process with a memory service. Person living with dementia must either reside in North Tyneside and or has a GP in North Tyneside and reside in their own home.

You can call the Age UK North Tyneside Admiral Nurses on 0191 280 8484 or email Please note, this is not an emergency service. If you require assistance of an urgent nature, please contact Adult Social Care on 0191 643 2777.

Our Admiral Nurse Service is now working in the Memory Clinic at North Tyneside General Hospital. We provide support for carers of those living with dementia. This is a fantastic step in providing gold standard, collaborative post-diagnostic support for people living with dementia and their families.

Contact us

Dementia Activities

Our Health & Wellness team provide group and activity services for people with a low to moderate level of need. From singing groups to carer support, we are here for people living with dementia and their carers.

View our current activities