Help us make North Tyneside age-friendly

Published on 06 June 2024 03:17 PM
The survey is now closed
Thank you to everyone who has completed our Age Friendly North Tyneside survey. The online survey has now closed, however, there is still time to return paper copies of our survey.
We'd love to hear from you, so please get your surveys back to us as soon as possible to make sure your voice is heard. Stay tuned to find out more about this project, see the completed report (expected November 2024), and find out other ways you can get involved.
Age UK North Tyneside and Healthwatch North Tyneside are working together to make North Tyneside an age-friendly borough.
In order to make North Tyneside age-friendly, we first need to understand the views and experiences of residents. The information gathered from this survey will help to make North Tyneside a better place to live.
Age-friendly communities are places where age is not a barrier to living well. The World Health Organisation has set out a detailed scheme about what they think an age-friendly community is. You can find out more here.
The survey questions have been split into different sections. Each section relates to an area that impacts how age-friendly a place is. Improvements in these areas have been proven to create an environment that supports people to live well. To enable us to improve these areas in North Tyneside, we need your views.
Information gathered will be used to:
- Develop an age-friendly baseline assessment for the Borough,
- Help Age UK North Tyneside develop our next five-year strategy,
- Shape the next version of North Tyneside's Aging Well Strategy,
- Help to develop plans for future action.
We will publish a summary report of what people tell us.
You can get involved by completing our online survey. We will also be at community events across North Tyneside. Email Paula at to find out when we'll be in your area.
If you would prefer to complete a paper copy of the survey, call Healthwatch North Tyneside on 0191 263 5321 or email