Global Intergenerational Week

Published on 24 April 2024 09:00 AM
How does an intergenerational workforce benefit us?
When we work with others, we learn from them. This is what we are reminded of this Global Intergenerational Week, and why an intergenerational workforce can provide so many insights and benefits to a team and customers.
As we are always learning from those younger and older, Age UK North Tyneside thrives on embracing an intergenerational workforce. This goes for both our staff and volunteers. But did you know the benefits?
The ability to share knowledge, skills, and methods of working creates a balance among the team and offers different perspectives. Having a spectrum of ideas to work with innovates the workforce and creates a more well-rounded skill set within a team.
Age UK North Tyneside firmly believes that everyone can offer something to the team and has a piece of wisdom, knowledge, or experience to benefit our customers. We are Age Friendly in our recruitment and focus on being flexible within working to ensure each person is valued and cared for, to help our staff care for our customers.
Where can your skills be used with us?
Age UK North Tyneside require a wide range of skilled volunteers to keep our services running and to help everyone make the most of their later life. We offer so many opportunities to volunteer and make a difference with us.
Help alleviate the implications of loneliness for older people in North Tyneside. You can offer your time to complete either a phone call or visit one of our customers in the comfort of their own home. Being able to make them feel comfortable and listened to is what our customers need, alongside the encouragement to use our services, groups, and other signpost services.
Dementia Activities Volunteer
Our Dementia Activities provide a safe space for those with a diagnosis to join in physical and social activities to help with their mental wellbeing and the loved ones who might care for them. We can signpost other services and provide the relevant information to help with their diagnosis. If you can provide sensitivity, empathy, and reliability then join us.
Meeting Centers Volunteer
Our Meeting Centre was established under our Health & Wellbeing Provision to help with the mental wellbeing of those with a dementia diagnosis. The meetings provide a social, welcoming space to help with the challenges of a dementia diagnosis. As a volunteer, your support within these groups help run an effective service to our customers and their loved ones. Providing them with the empathy and patience they need.
All of our volunteering opportunities are open to anyone who has the time, and passion for caring for others and helping them create a better later life. You can read more about them and apply here.