Befriending Week 2024

Published on 01 November 2024 11:03 AM
This Befriending Week we're shining the spotlight and sharing some amazing stories on the brilliant individuals who make our Befriending Service possible.
Our befrienders and their customers come from all different backgrounds and yet make some of the most meaningful and established friendships. We've had the pleasure of hearing the stories of some of our befriender friendships and sharing those with you.
Lynda & Shirley Finally Unite
Can you imagine speaking to someone over the phone for years and not knowing what they even look like?
Well, after years of speaking over the phone, befriending volunteer and customer Lynda and Shirley finally had the chance to meet face to face. Thanks to our befriending events, customers and volunteers have had the opportunity to mingle, catch up, and speak to each other face to face, even when they thought it wouldn’t have been possible. The amazing story of Lynda and Shirley demonstrates the value of friendship to our customers and volunteers.
We couldn’t be happier that the two finally got to meet. This milestone in their journey of friendship was surely an emotional one to remember.
Lynda (left) & Shirley (right) unite at a coffee morning.
John's Story
John has been a Befriender for four years, connecting with six people in total on his journey as a volunteer. John’s kindness exceeds his duties as a volunteer as he enjoys writing poetry for his friends and doing gardening for those unable to. All without the expectation of getting anything in return. John’s mantra “I love people so I help them” shines through the things he does for those around him and we couldn’t thank him enough.
John has written multiple poems and an open letter about his experience as a Befriender. Watch John’s reading of one of his poems here.
Marjorie’s Story
Marjorie is another one of our brilliant volunteers. She has spoken to many customers over the years and loves talking to them. She joined us during lockdown for COVID-19, where she wanted to do her part to support others who may not have family or friends around them.
She puts her duties as a befriender first and gets so much out of it. Marjorie’s dedication to her befriendees is paramount, rearranging her days to make sure she gets to speak to them. She describes getting just as much out of It as the customers.
You can hear the brilliant stories of our Befrienders on YouTube by clicking here.
Becoming a Befriender
This handful of stories about our Befrienders is a drop in the ocean of the brilliant work they do.
We’re always looking for people to join us as a volunteer. Bring your experiences, knowledge, and kindness to older people across North Tyneside to help alleviate the impacts of isolation. Become a volunteer today.