Age Without Limits

Published on 17 January 2024 09:41 AM
Age Without Limits is a campaign from the Centre for Ageing Better to challenge ageism for the benefit of us all as we grow older.
Are you ageist?
Most of us unwittingly hold ageist beliefs - do you?
Ageism is the prejudice that’s hidden in plain sight. It’s embedded in our society and even accepted as normal by those of us who are older. We see and hear casual ageism every day in the media, on TV, at work, in pubs, on social media, in family conversations.
Ageism is often dismissed as being harmless, but research shows that ageist ideas or beliefs can be incredibly damaging for us as individuals and for wider society. They affect how we think about and act towards other people - how we talk to older people and how we talk about them, how we treat older people in our workplaces, in our communities, and even in health settings.
We also internalise these negative ideas about ageing. They become a self-fulfilling prophecy, affecting our self-esteem and what we think we are capable or worthy of as we get older. Then we can start to limit our opportunities and activities such as our physical activity or the way we dress.
It doesn’t have to be this way. Thinking negatively about ageing and older people has been accepted and ignored for too long. The Age Without Limits campaign aims to spark a debate and conversation about what ageism is and to change the way we all think about ageing.