Monthly Round Up - August

Published on 04 September 2023 03:40 PM
With the end of summer fast approaching Age UK North Tyneside hopes to bring some sunshine with this months round-up …
👏 Our Health & Wellness trainer Nicola welcomed her beautiful baby girl Jasmine 💝 Both are doing great, and we wish the whole family the best.
👏 We also welcomed Dawn Pagett as a trainer to the amazing team at Health & Wellness, Welcome to the team Dawn!
We have also got some exciting and unique volunteering and recruitment opportunities…
💙 Age UK North Tyneside is looking for Befriending Volunteers to help us deliver our important Befriending Service to those who need it. Apply here.
💙 Alternatively, sign up to be a Telephone Befriending Volunteer and offer your time each week to talk to one of our customers on the phone to help alleviate the impacts of social isolation. Apply here.
💼 Join Age UK North Tyneside as a Wellbeing & Activities Worker to introduce group projects and activities to older prisoners across the North East. Apply here.
💼 EveryDay Care & Support is looking for Team Leaders and Personal Support Assistants to join their team. Work to deliver quality tailored care to help our customers live more independently by applying today. Find out more.
💙 Although the FREE Summer Offer is over, you can still check out each of our social and physical activity groups. Try something new this September, make friends, and find your new hobby! Find out more.
💙 We have also launched the first Befriending Newsletter which is available now. Read about our dedicated team and see how you can get involved. Find out more.
♻️ Finally, what is your goal for this #ZeroWasteWeek? Join us in reducing our landfill waste by these three simple steps:
Mark Zero Waste Week in your calendar
Set a goal to do one thing to reduce landfill waste
Act on our goal and tell us about your successes - no matter how small!
And that’s all for August we hope everyone had an amazing month.