Zoom Festivities
Published on 12 November 2021 05:06 PM
We have a lovely mix of talks, baking, crafts and cooking activities delivered by Age UK North Tyneside staff and external speakers and providers, and all accessible from the comfort of your own home via Zoom.
The majority of the activities are free, with a select few having a small cost of £2.60 to join,
To book your place on any of the activities please call 0191 2877012. 0191 2877027 or email community.development@ageuknorthtyneside.org.uk.
For those activities that have a £2.60 fee to attend, you can book and pay for your place via Eventbrite, or we can arrange for a member of our finance team to give you a call once you have booked your place with us. Eventbrite link - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/208528222527
We hope you like the activities we have on offer and we see lots of familiar and new faces taking part.
Please share our programme with friends and family .
Christmas Treats with Lindsay Thursday, 2nd December 1pm to 2pm FREE Join Lindsay to cook up some sweet treats for Christmas. Watch Lindsay demonstrate how to make spiral cookies then try them for yourself later or cook along on the day. Recipe and ingredients list can be provided in advance and will also be shared afterwards. |
Festive Floral Arrangement with Cindy Tuesday, 7th December 10.30am to 11.30am FREE
Cindy will be doing a live floral demonstration showing you how to produce a Christmas flower arrangement.
Christmas Pudding Demo with Rebecca Tuesday, 7th December 1pm to 2pm FREE
Rebecca will be demonstrating how to prepare her easy to make and super delicious Christmas puddings! A major plus of this recipe is that they don’t need weeks to mature so you can make them between now and Christmas, if you haven’t got around to making your puddings before Stir-Up Sunday this year!
A Very Georgian Christmas with Anna Thursday, 9th December 1pm to 2pm £2.60 Christmas nowadays might look a little different to how we celebrated them in our youth, but compared to the festivities of the Georgian period they are almost unrecognisable! Join us for a talk by Anna Gillings from Seaton Delaval Hall to find out how Christmas was celebrated before Prince Albert and the Victorians ‘invented’ the modern Christmas.
Christmas Treats with Lindsay Monday, 13th December 1pm to 2pm FREE Lindsay is back and cooking up more Christmas goodies in the kitchen, this time it’s Christmas Brownies. Watch Lindsay demonstrate then try them for yourself later or cook along on the day. Recipe and ingredients list can be provided in advance and will also be shared afterwards.
12 Days of Christmas with Carol Tuesday, 14th December 1pm to 2pm £2.60 This enlightening talk will focus on the Tudor 12 Days of feasting and festivities which began 25th December and culminates on 6th January, the 12th Night Revels. Carol will look at food, feasting and traditions of the Tudor Period and how many of the traditions survive today. |
Christmas Wrapping with Cindy Wednesday, 15th December 10am to 11am FREE Cindy will show you how to wrap your present like a pro. This simple tutorial will help you make the outside of your presents just as gorgeous as the inside. The added visual impact is sure to stand out under the tree and get a ‘wow’ from the recipient. |
Veg For Life with Alex Thursday, 16th December 1pm to 2pm £2.60 Alex will show off some of his favourite Christmas recipes. “The first dish I want to show you is a soup that has turned the humble carrot into a wonderfully flavoursome soup. As a main course centrepiece, my mushroom Wellington should grace any Christmas dinner table. The last dish I would like to show you are these mincemeat muffins. If you fancy a change to mince pies these are certainly worth having a go. Or, have both!” |
Christmas Quiz with Jo Monday, 20th December 2pm to 3.30pm FREE
Test your knowledge on all things Christmas with this festive quiz.
Our team would be delighted to support you with our Zoom activities, and we have prepared an instructional booklet we can post out to you in advance. Just give us a call on 0191 280 8484 or Contact us
Or there's an instructional video at https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-meeting
Alternatively we can organise one-to-one support through our Digital Champions service. The practical skills they can support include:
- Creating and using an email address
- Online shopping for groceries
- Using social media
- Using Zoom/Skype/Facetime
- Accessing online GP and prescription services
- The COVID-19 app
- and of course, staying safe online!
Download the full programme
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