Walking Football is back outdoors

Published on 16 July 2021 03:20 PM
Outdoor Walking Football is back! You can get back on the pitch and try out your Walking Football skills with Age UK North Tyneside's Active Age programme.
No previous experience is necessary. You can read all about the rules by checking out The WFA Guide To Playing Walking Football.
Our friendly coach will help you to increase your fitness levels, and you'll have all of the fun of team football at the same time.
When and where?
Ladies Walking Football Skills
Foxhunters Pavilion
Wednesdays, 10am to 11am
Mixed Walking Football Skills
Wallsend Boys Club
Thursdays, 10.30am to 11.30am
For current booking and charges details, please call 0191 280 8484 or email enquiries@ageuknorthtyneside.org.uk.
Part of The Age UK Walking Football Programme, funded by The Football Association and Sport England.