Procter and Gamble Christmas Lunches 2021

Published on 16 December 2021 05:34 PM
Over 160 residents of Wellbeing Centres and Extra Care Schemes in the North Tyneside area are being treated to a festive feast thanks to Procter and Gamble (P&G) spreading a little Christmas cheer. P&G generously donated, from the on-site canteen a tasty main course of turkey with all the trimmings as well as a traditional Christmas Pudding dessert. The donation was part of the P&G Cobalt site's Community Matters team Christmas events, which has also raised hundreds of pounds for local charities. The first 78 meals were picked up and delivered on Friday 3rd December, and a further 86 were delivered on Friday 10th December.
Age UK North Tyneside runs many services for older people across the region, including social and exercise groups, information and advice and dementia support.
Vivienne Kirby, Care at Home Manager at EveryDay Care & Support, a social enterprise owned by Age UK North Tyneside said: “Can I sincerely thank Procter & Gamble again in 2021 for supplying a wonderful two course Christmas meal for our Age UK North Tyneside customers. The meals provided many people with an opportunity to gather together, in the Christmas spirit and of course to enjoy such a delicious lunch. We really appreciate Procter & Gamble thinking about Age UK North Tyneside customers once again this year and would like to thank the whole team for producing this wonderful meal for so many.”
Kerry Parker, Head of Professional Care at EveryDay Care & Support, said “Our lovely customers have thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas Lunches and for one lady at Crossgates, Sheila Burn, it was extra special as she worked for P&G in the office in her youth. I have shared a picture with her sons today and they were all delighted and said that it would mean a lot to her.”
Andy Sherwood, part of the Community Matters team at P&G, said: “We are happy to say this is the second year we have been able to partner with Age UK North Tyneside, to provide Christmas dinners for the local community. After another tough year for the employees and clients of Age UK North Tyneside hopefully this will have helped bring a little bit of early Christmas cheer!”