The Holystone Hinnies WI

Published on 14 December 2021 04:19 PM
The WI has been inspiring women for over 100 years
The WI is a unique organisation shaped by its members. In 1915, it set out to give women a voice and to be a force for good in their community. Since then, its membership and ambitions have grown significantly.
It is the largest women’s organisation in the UK and prides itself on being a trusted place for women of all generations to share experiences and learn from each other.
A WI membership offers the opportunity to meet women in your local area in-person and virtually, to make friends and make a difference in your own community.
They campaign nationally on a wide range of issues and provide life-long learning and self-development opportunities for women in England and Wales.
North Tyneside can boast 4 WI groups the Holystone Hinnies is one of them.
The Holystone Hinnies usually meet on the first Thursday of the month at Holystone Primary School NE27 0DA from 19:00-21:00 (although occasionally the date changes around school holidays.
Dates can be found on the website or Facebook page
They are open to ladies over the age of 18 and they currently have a good mix of ages attending regularly.
They provide a varied monthly meeting programme of speakers, crafts, physical activities, games and socials, all washed down with a cuppa and cake.
They also offer additional activities such as quarterly dine outs to local restaurants, theatre trips, afternoon teas, and their most recent Christmas night out was to Boulevard in Newcastle.
Holystone Hinnies is run by a committee of volunteers for the benefit of its members. They are very open to any suggestions of activities and if there is enough interest they’ll organise it.
They have a ‘bucket list’ where members can do something they’ve always wanted to do from going to an auction, beekeeping or flying in a glider!
They are part of the wider WI and as such have a voice to campaign on issues close to their heart. They can also access a wider range of activities through the Northumberland Federation.
They are currently planning next year’s programme, with the first quarter taking shape:
- Thursday 6th Jan - Learn CPR basics with Sarah and the ever popular - Bring and Buy a Repurposed Christmas Bag sale
- Thursday 3rd Feb - Celebrate the Holystone Hinnies 4th birthday with Mr Mixologist cocktail party (subject to confirmation)
- Thursday 3rd March - Learn about the power and benefits of colour body confidence with Melanie from Hello Beautiful
Zumba and Christmas wreath/table centre making is pencilled in for later in the 2022.
You don’t have to live in Holystone to join Holystone Hinnies.
They currently have space for new members, if you are interested in joining then drop them a message on or via Facebook or just pop along to their next meeting.
You can try your first meeting for free, visit a few times for £4 per meeting or you can pay an annual fee for £44 per year.