Global Campaign to Combat Ageism

Published on 22 March 2021 05:59 PM
Age UK North Tyneside recently participated in the conference delivered by the World Health Organisation devoted to combatting ageism, following on from the launch of their Global Report on Ageism.
Age is one of the first things we notice about other people. Ageism arises when age is used to categorize and divide people in ways that lead to harm, disadvantage and injustice and erode solidarity across generations.
Ageism can take on different forms depending on a person's age. Younger people can often be dismissed as inexperienced and foolish, whereas older people are often viewed as slow and are treated with impatience. These views are generalisations based on stereotypes and can be extremely damaging.
Ageism damages our health and well-being and is a major barrier to enacting effective policies and taking action on healthy ageing, as recognized by World Health Organization (WHO) Member States in the Global strategy and action plan on ageing and health and through the Decade of Healthy Ageing: 2021–2030. In response, WHO was asked to start, with partners, a global campaign to combat ageism.
It is time to say no to ageism. This Global report on ageism outlines how to combat ageism and, hence, contribute to improving health, increasing opportunities, reducing costs and enabling people to flourish at any age. If governments, UN agencies, development organizations, civil society organizations and academic and research institutions implement strategies that are effective and invest in further research, and if individuals and communities join the movement and challenge every instance of ageism, then together we can create a world for all ages.
Age UK North Tyneside is registered as an advocate for combatting ageism.
Read the report
Global Report on Ageism: Executive Summary