Qfit Gym: Guided exercise at home

Published on 29 September 2020 02:35 PM
Age UK North Tyneside are pleased to announce that we are working in partnership with Dave Latimer from QFit gym in Dudley to provide an exercise program to those who are clinically vulnerable, nervous about leaving the house and shielding. The aim is to support people to keep active in their own homes whilst they are unable to or not ready to return to a community setting to exercise.
The program will last around 4 weeks and is also completely free of charge including the use of equipment that will be collected at the end of the 4 weeks.
You will receive an Android tablet, which is setup with the required app already downloaded. You would need internet access to use the tablet, however if you don’t have internet access and you do still wish to be involved, the instructor can provide a printed version of the workouts for you. The tablet is set so the only use is for that of the exercise App. There will be an option to talk to the instructors via the app also.
The app is loaded with an exercise regime that you can complete in the comfort of your own home. The instructor will deliver the equipment to your home for you, along with a package including light weights and resistance bands.
If you would like to get involved, please follow the link below and fill in the relevant information. You will then be contacted by a staff member from QFit gym who will go through the next steps of the program with you.
If you would like more ideas on how to keep active during lockdown, please visit our Keep Fit in Lockdown page with exercise videos, many of which have been road-tested by one of our fantastic volunteers! Or click on the links at the bottom of the page for evan more suggestions.
If you would like further advice or support around remaining active during this time, please don’t hesitate to contact our Active Age Coordinator for further help or advice laurie.zebik@ageuknorthtyneside.org.uk
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