North Tyneside Council now offer BSL relay
Published on 27 July 2020 05:00 PM
North Tyneside Council have launched a British Sign Language Video Relay Service with SignVideo.
North Tyneside council has partnered with SignVideo to pilot a FREE video relay service so that members of the Deaf community in North Tyneside can independently communicate with the council in British Sign Language (BSL).
The service allows users to make BSL interpreted video calls via their tablet, smartphone, computer or laptop. A professional interpreter then relays the call in English to a member of council staff in real time on a video relay system.
You can use the service to access all the services within the council. To call North Tyneside council using the video relay service, go to the Contact Us page at or download The SignVideo app and use SignVideo's BSL directory. Click on the link and the BSL interpreter will appear in an instant to relay the conversation with the hearing person! It’s that easy!
There's a super video on the SignVideo website which explains clearly how it all works. Click here to view it