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Caring and coping during Covid 19 social isolation

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Published on 21 April 2020 02:34 PM

An appeal for Carers to participate in a Newcastle University research study.

What is the purpose of the study?

The current Covid-19 pandemic has led to strict changes in our everyday lives and routines, including social distancing and self-isolation. This means that most of us cannot see members of our families and our loved ones during this time, which can be upsetting or stressful.

However, for people who act as caregivers for a loved one or for several other people, social distancing and self-isolation may have a particular impact on their ability to continue their usual caregiving.

  • For caregivers who live with their care recipient, this may mean that they cannot easily access food or help, and their care recipient may have difficulty understanding or coming to terms with the current situation.
  • For caregivers who do not live with their care recipients, it may be difficult to take care of their care recipients when we are being advised not to leave our house or visit other houses/premises during this time.

We want to understand your experiences about caring during the Covid-19 pandemic:

  • What has stopped you from providing your usual care, or what aspects of care have become particularly difficult to carry out during this time?
  • Have you made changes or developed ways to help you with your usual care during this time?

We would like to find out about your experiences in order to identify gaps in our current policies and response to Covid-19, and to identify coping strategies and adaptions or changes that you have made that can help others continue usual care during Covid-19. We hope to use this information to make evidence-based recommendations to help caregivers continue to support their care recipients practically, emotionally and socially.

To find out more and/or participate in the study please click on the following link: