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Active at Home with Arthritis

Arthritis Action logo

Published on 17 April 2020 11:17 AM

We are all spending more time at home than we might like, so staying physically active and mentally well are now more important than ever. Arthritis Action, are keen to ensure everyone living with arthritis sustains their healthy lifestyles, exercises regularly and maintains good mental health even if that means remaining at home.

For more information and to find out more about Arthritis Action and how they enable people to live better with their arthritis, please visit their website:

Arthritis Action have also been listed on the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy new webpage entitled ‘Managing your bone, joint or muscle pain’, encouraging patients to take practical steps to manage their condition at home during the Coronavirus outbreak. To view this webpage please click on the following link:

Please see below a series of useful and informative links to the Arthritis Action website:

Exercise Videos
Many people living with a long-term health condition find it difficult to attend exercise classes. To help them, Arthritis Action recently launched a series of online chair based exercises developed with the aim of helping those with hip, knee or spinal Osteoarthritis more mobile and active.

Exercise and Activity Directory
Many people living with a long-term health condition also find exercising challenging. To support them, we launched an Exercise and Activity Directory signposting webpage in January 2020 to help people find the help and support they may need within their county to get active.

Mental Health Directory
Many people living with a long-term health condition also experience mental health difficulties, such as stress or anxiety. To enable people to find the help and support they may need we have listed mental health organisations by county. Many of the NHS IAPT teams across the UK are listed as well as local Mind hubs and an array of other charitable organisations and services offering help and support to people experiencing mental health difficulties.