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Dementia Care: Living Well as Dementia Progresses

Dementia jigsaw

Published on 15 March 2019 03:42 PM

Dementia Care: Living Well as Dementia Progresses.

Futurelearn is offering a new free online course for family carers of people living with dementia.

This new, free, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) launches on Monday 18th March 2019. 

You can sign up now and view the trailer which explains more:

The aim is to help carers of people with advancing dementia worldwide to feel prepared and supported towards end of life.  The course is designed for family carers, but health and social care practitioners will also find the course useful to support people with dementia and their families.  
The three week course will help learners to: understand dementia as a progressive illness; plan for future changes and decisions; meet changing needs to ensure quality of life and comfort; and recognise their own needs and how to seek support.

Future Learn experts (families, practitioners and researchers) share their knowledge and experiences of providing care and support for people with advanced dementia through videos, quizzes, articles, tips, polls and a forum to enable learners to share their views.  This provides an interactive learning experience.

Advanced Nurse Practitioner Julie Young, was a Dementia Nurse Specialist on the SEED project.

Julie commented:
“Taking part in the course can enhance and clarify understanding of dementia and its’ progression.  It recognises and highlights the impact of advanced dementia for the person and the carer and issues that people can find difficult to discuss with in families and with the person with dementia.   The course offers advice on decision making and how it is helpful to plan ahead, and which professionals and organisations may be helpful with regard to this “
For further information please contact Dr Marie Poole at Newcastle University - email
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