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Information & Advice

  • Location: Age UK North, South & West Dorset
  • Price: Free
Call 01305269444 for more info

Age UK North, South & West Dorset
Units 1&2, 5 Crown Square
United Kingdom

This service offers free, independent and confidential Information, Signposting and Welfare Benefits Advice for older people, their families and carers,

The service runs Monday to Wednesdays 10am to 3pm and can support with a variety of topics.

Topics covered include:

Social care - such as finding a care home or getting some help at home, and how it's funded.
Your income - including free benefits checks, help with applying for benefits and pension information.
Your home - information on staying warm at home, home adaptations and how to prevent falls.
Legal issues - we can signpost you to trusted providers for queries relating to wills, Power of Attorney, and how to deal with an estate.

We have a variety of useful guides and information booklets to cover a whole range of topics that we can post out.

Welfare Benefits

We can support you to maximise your income by carrying out free benefit entitlement checks, and provide support in making a claim, such as filling in forms.
We challenge benefit authorities by helping older people appeal or seek a review of decisions by referring on to an independent advice agency. Appointments can be made by contacting our office.

Planning and support for End of Life

Thinking about the end of life can be difficult, but being well informed can help you consider all your options. Age UK's information guide, 'Before you go' talks about conversations with family and friends, and your GP. It also provides information about finances, advance statements, making a will, lasting powers of attorney, funeral arrangements, care at home, care homes, and thinking about your loved ones. 'When someone dies' gives a step-by-step guide to what to do, including how to register a death, death abroad, organ donation, arranging a funeral, help with funeral costs, dealing with the estate, tax changes, inheritance tax, and emotional support. 'Bereavement' provides support dealing with grief, feelings, thoughts, memories, and looking to the future.