About us

Age UK NSWD is an independent charity working across rural Dorset.
Our work is made possible with the support of our dedicated volunteers.
Who we are
Age UK North, South & West Dorset is an independent local charity that exists to enable older people across rural Dorset to maintain physical and mental wellbeing in later life.
We achieve this by providing direct services to enable older people to remain independent and enjoying life, organising activities to create opportunities for an enriched social life, and by working with older people to campaign and have their voices heard.
We've been a part of the local community helping older people for over 65 years. We have 40 dedicated staff and over 150 volunteers helping us to deliver our services and activities.
Where you can find us
Our Head office is based in Poundbury, Dorchester.
Units 1 & 2, 5 Crown Square, Dorchester, DT1 3EN.
How we are funded
We rely on your support to keep serving the community!
We are supported by donations from the public, fundraising, income from our paid for services (such as home support), and some charitable grants.
For more information, you can view our annual report on the Charity Commissions website.
About our Trustees
As a charity, we are governed by a board of trustees. It's their job to provide guidance, additional expertise, and direction to Chief Officer Terri Lewis, who in turn works to deliver on the vision and mission of the charity through our team of staff and volunteers.
What we do...
We give Advice
Our trained advisors offer free Welfare Benefits advice services to older people and their families.
Last year our Team helped Older people in the community to claim more than £1million in additional income, which can make everyday living more affordable!
We help at home
We offer home support services to help with shopping, laundry, domestic cleaning, gardening and running basic errands.
This, hand in hand with some regular social interaction helps hundreds of our clients to remain independent.
We Reach Out
Our volunteer befrienders visit and regularly telephone lonely older people in the community who have no one to talk to.
Each month out fantastic team deliver around 600 hours of befriending! -
We provide activities
We have a fantastic Wellbeing Team that deliver a range of social activities and support in the community! Whether you want to keep active, join a coffee club, or attend a brain training session, there's bound to be something for all interests!
Word of Thanks
They have never needed to ask for help before but in this difficult situation, she couldn’t have asked for anything more – she wants to extend her thanks out to all at Age UK NSWD.
She said she was incredibly grateful to have our help and to have me call her this morning to check alls okay. She said it makes a real difference to know there is someone there at the end of the phone if she has any problems.
She was very grateful that there was someone at the end of the phone that she could call on - she thinks AGE UK are great at this.
She called up to ask for help with the collection of an urgent prescription and it was delivered to her straight away - she was so grateful.
She said it was so nice to know we were there to support them at this difficult time.
They are so glad to have someone there to help them at this difficult time.
She has actually set up a new quarterly Direct Debit to Age UK as she’s been so impressed and grateful for our help and support.
It has all been wonderful – she had real anxiety at the start of all this but now they have help in place she is sleeping much better.
She is incredibly grateful – without a service like ours she doesn’t know where she’d be.