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Gladys' beef stew

‘For best results, use stewing beef, but any leftover meat will be fine. If the meat is already cooked, this will cut down how long the recipe takes by half.’ Gladys

This recipe is a traditional stew, in which the meat juices flavour the dish. It contains protein from the meat, and lots of vegetables that add vitamins and minerals, while the potatoes provide energy.

A whole balanced meal is in one pot, so eat some today and save some for tomorrow, or freeze portions (once cool) for a later date.

Preparation: 5-10 minutes | Cooking time: 95 minutes | Serves: 2


  • 340g/12oz cubed stewing beef
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 large onion, sliced
  • 85g/3oz pearl barley (You will need to boil the pearl barley in a saucepan of water, according to the package’s cooking instructions. It usually takes about 1 hour).
  • 1 heaped tbsp plain flour
  • 900ml/1½ pints stock
  • 225g/8oz carrots, peeled and sliced
  • 225g/8oz potatoes, sliced in medium-sized chunks
  • 1 finely shredded small cabbage
  • Ground pepper to taste


  1. Using a large pan, fry the meat in the oil to seal in most of the juices, and then add the onion for a few minutes until soft.
  2. Sprinkle the flour over the meat and then add the stock and stir well until boiling.
  3. Add the carrots and potatoes and leave to simmer on a low heat for 1½ hours, adding more stock if necessary so that there is always a gravy in the stew.
  4. Cook the pearl barley according to the instructions, so that it will be ready to add at the end.
  5. Add the cabbage in the last 20 minutes. The meat will become more tender the longer it is cooked.
  6. Just before serving, gently mix in the pearl barley.

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Last updated: May 05 2020

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