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Our partnerships are a vital part of our work to help us make Northern Ireland a better place to grow older.

We are delighted to partner with organisations, trusts and foundations to continue to change older people’s lives.

Every organisation is different, and we have enjoyed very successful partnerships across a range of sectors. We’d love to talk to you about ways we could work together to support older people in our community.

Together we can make a difference!

Contact the fundraising team for more information.

Read about some of our partners below


Age NI was voted the Northern Ireland Housing Executive's two year charity partnership in 2023. They are supporting Age NI to put life into years, not just years into life!

NIHE partnership


ViVO brand has been supporting Age NI since 2017. Colleagues, retailers and customers have taken on a variety of fundraising activities and raised over £88k to support local older people.

ViVO partnership

Provincial Grand Lodge of Antrim

The Provincial Grand Master R.W. Brother John S McLernon nominated Age NI as his chosen charity in 2023.

Provincial Grand Lodge partnership

Power NI

Power NI and Age NI work in partnership to deliver a range of benefits to thousands of older people all over Northern Ireland, focusing on providing practical support to older people.

Power NI partnership

James Brown & Sons

James Brown & Sons are supporting Skainos Day Centre through funding health and well-being activities truly giving life to Age NI’s mission to ‘help older people enjoy later life’.

James Brown & Sons partnership

More companies that have supported Age NI:

exolum logo


Last updated: Jul 17 2024

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