Our services
Age UK North East Lincolnshire offers lots of services for older people aged over the age of 50
Services and advice
Information and Advice
Free advice for older people, carers and family members.
Please click the link for more information.
Handyman Service
We have a HandyMan Service to help with small household repairs, home maintenance and safety and security checks, including fitting smoke alarms and key safes.
Please Click the link for more information
Therapy Room
We have a Therapy room here at Age UK North East Lincolnshire
At both our Grimsby and Cleethorpes offices, which are used for hairdressing, manicures and massages
Please click the link for more information.

We have a pop-in cafe at both our Grimsby and Cleethorpes centres that is open to everyone of any age.
At both sites we offer daily specials and make homemade sausage rolls and scones. We also offer light snacks, teacakes, crumpets, hot and cold sandwiches, cakes plus tea and coffee.
We can also provide a takeaway service for people on the go or may just want to take something home with them.
We have a free legal service at Age UK North East Lincolnshire
Every Tuesday between 10am - 1pm at our Grimsby Office
and once a month on a Tuesday at our Cleethorpes office between 10am - 1pm
This is just a drop in, There is no need for an appointment. Just pop in and let reception know you would like to see the solictor.
For more information about dates they are at our Cleethorpes office please ring our Cleethorpes office on 01472 344976 option 2
We have a Financal advisor here at Age UK North East Lincolnshire.
She is available every Friday, 3 Fridays of the month at Grimsby and 1 Friday at Cleethorpes
This service is an appointment only service, to make an appointment and to see her availability at either office please do give us a call on :
01472 344976 option 1 for Grimsby option 2 for Cleethorpes
Local Shopping Trips
Here at Age UK North East Lincolnshire we offer a shopping trip to a local supermarket.
We can arrange for you to be picked up from your home by our minibus and taken shopping. You are then given some time to go around the shop and do your shopping. Then our driver will help you with your bag's back onto the minibus, take you home and help you in to your home with your bags.
Please ring us on 01472 344976 option 1 for Grimsby & option 2 for Cleethorpes to find out the days/dates and supermarkets.
This service is limited and runs on varying days depending on the minibus availabilityso give us a call to check availability on: 01472 344976 option 1 for Grimsby office
Mini Bus
Our Minibus can be used to collect you and bring you into Age UK North East Lincolnshire Lunch club at our Grimsby centre on a Tuesday and a Wednesday
Our Minibus is also used for the local shopping trips, daytrips, afternoon trips and occasional private hire [depending on avalability.]
Please click the link for information on any of the services that we use our minibus for.
Some other Services that may be helpful in the local area
Befriending service
Unfortunately Age UK North East Lincolnshire does NOT run its own Befriending service. However, Age UK Nationally has a friendship service called 'Call in time' This is a FREE telephone friendship service.
Their contact details are 0844 225 0302 or email Callintime@ageuk.org.uk
A local organisation called 'Friendship at home' may also be able to help with befriending & friendships. Please click the link below for more information.
Winter warmth
Feeling the cold? Our winter warmth service advises you on staying warm and healthy in the chilly weather.
We have several leaflets for guidance on how to keep warm and even a booklet with some winter recipes.
We also run a scheme to help pensioners claim money towards their fuel bills. This is the Warm Home Discount scheme.
Our Benefits advisors would be happy to help you make a claim
Please call reception to leave contact details on 01472 344976 option 1 for Grimsby office, 2 for Cleethorpes office
Support for Carers
Here at Age UK North East Lincolnshire we have a leaflet called 'Advice for Carers' that we can post out to you.
Locally there is plenty of help, advice and support for carers from a local organisation called 'The Carers Support Service' that maybe able to help you please click the link for more details.
Dementia support
We can help with advice and support for relatives and families of anyone suffering from any dementia related illness with financial benefit advice along with leaflets.
The Alzheimers society have a team of staff and volunteers that will be able to help you and answer any questions you might have.
Click on this page and it will send you to the contact details of the local Alzheimers society.