Information and Advice

- Location: Age UK North Craven
- Price: Free
Not a chargeable service
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK North Craven - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK North Craven
North Yorkshire
BD24 9EW
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01729 823066
FREE, confidential and impartial information and advice on a wide range of issues relating to older people and those who care for and support them.
What our service offers:
• For those over retirement age we can check your income and entitlement to extra benefits.
• We can help you complete complicated application forms.
• We can help you keep yourself and your home warm in winter.
• We offer advice on issues about housing and property.
• We answer and guide you if you are thinking about care choices and how to access more help.
• If we are not able to help, we will always try to signpost you to someone who can
Topics we can help you with:
• Housing and property issues
• Health
• Leisure and social activities
• Your rights and local services
Click below for contact page
How do I access the service?
We want our information and advice service to be convenient and easy to access. Sometimes queries are straight-forward and can be answered by us providing a leaflet or telephone number. Others are more complex and can take several home visits and phone calls.
We currently have a very high work load and it may take us between 7 and 10 days for us to respond to your enquiry, but we will always do our best to get back to you as quickly as we can.
You can contact us by phone: 01729 823066 - from Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.00pm.
Or by email to
We can arrange to visit you at your home or meet you at a venue of your choice which is easy for you to attend. Our confidential Information and Advice Face to Face service is available Monday – Thursday 9.30am – 3.30pm.
Don't hesitate
Please don't hesitate to contact us and ask us for help or advice