
- Location: Age UK North Craven
- Price: Free
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK North Craven - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK North Craven
North Yorkshire
BD24 9EW
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01729823066
For some people getting older can mean having more time to do the things you love, for others it can mean feeling isolated and lonely. Whatever stage you are at, we have activities and groups just for you.
Find social activities and groups
To help you to find out what is happening in your local community and beyond. We have collated a list of clubs, groups and organisations that you might be interested in. This is not an exhaustive guide but provides suggestions which we hope will help you find activities in your area. A chance to meet up with friends old and new and participate in a range of activities, where the emphasis is on fun and socialising.