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Your feedback

We hope that you find the services provided by Age UK North Craven helpful and supportive. We always welcome your comments and suggestions on how our services could be improved.

Compliments and suggestions

If we've done a great job, or someone from Age UK North Craven has really gone the extra mile, please do get in touch and let us know. We also like to hear your suggestions and ideas for improvements.


Not happy about one of our services?

If you have a complaint please let us know so we can look into the matter. In the first instance, please give your complaints, compliments and comments to the manager of the service you are unhappy about and they will try to resolve your concern as appropriate.

Complaints procedure

If there is a problem that remains unresolved by the service manager, please contact Jonathan Kerr, Chief Officer of Age UK North Craven, who may ask you to put your comments in writing or arrange for your comments to be recorded and agreed with you so the matter can be addressed and we can work with you to resolve any concerns as soon as possible.

However, if you remain unhappy, you have the right to approach the Complaints Committee of Age UK North Craven who’s members consist of member of the Trustee Board. You may have a friend/relative with you when you attend a Committee meeting.

Service managers, the Chief Officer and the Trustees of Age UK North Craven can all be contacted through our office at Cheapside, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9EW, 01729 823066 or email   Copies of the Age UK North Craven Complaints Policy and Procedure and compliant forms are available from the same address.

If your complaint relates to breaches of personal data, we will abide by the requirements set out in Age UK North Craven’s Data Protection Policy in relation to assessment of any data breach and corrective action. This has been written in accordance with guidance as set out by the Information Commissioner’s Office. More information about the process can be found on the ICO website

Where the complaint relates to Fundraising, you may approach the Fundraising Regulator.