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Our commitment to quality

Age UK North Craven is proud to have achieved the Age UK Charity Quality Standard. This Standard requires us to demonstrate that we:

* ensure the safety and wellbeing of older people.

* value diversity and promote equality and inclusion.

* protect people’s data and ensure there are no surprises about how we use it.

* encourage, listen to and act on feedback.

* plan and review our activities strategically, making sure we use ourresources effectively to respond to local need.

* value our volunteers and staff, ensuring we have the right people with the right skills and support to deliver our plans.

* anticipate and manage risk effectively to ensure we are resilient and responsive to change.


The Standard is externally assessed by industry leaders SGS who undertake a rigorous examination of evidence through reviewing our documents and undertaking a comprehensive full day assessment visit.

To find out more about our Organisational Quality Standards certification, please contact us.

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Assessed by SGS United Kingdom Limited

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