News and Information
First Response
First Response 0800 952 1181 freephone for urgent mental health support – if you are experiencing something that makes you feel unsafe, distressed or worried.
Warm and Well
Warm & Well in North Yorkshire raises awareness of the impact of cold homes on our health and wellbeing, offers practical solutions to reduce fuel poverty, and supports people and communities to stay warm and well in their homes.
For more information go to or ring them on 01609 767555
Bentham GP Surgery 015242 61202
Hellifield GP Surgery 01729 822611
Ingleton GP Surgery 015242 61202
Settle Townhead GP Surgery 01729 822611
Airedale Hospital 01535 652511
Skipton General Hospital 01756 792233
Lancaster Royal Infirmary 01524 65944
Westmorland General Hospital 01539 732288
NHS non-emergency number 111
North Yorkshire Council 01609 780780
Police non-emergency number 101
North Yorkshire Fire Service 01609 780150
Citizens Advice (Craven) 0808 2787900
Age UK Advice Line (national) 0800 6781602
Mind 0300 1232293
Samaritans 116 123