Information and Advice Service

- Location: Age UK Northamptonshire
- Price: Free
We do not make a charge for this service but donations are always gratefully received as this helps fund the team of advisers.
Please note, this service is not available outside Age UK Northamptonshire - Head Office's catchment area.
Age UK Northamptonshire
The William and Patricia Venton Centre
York Road
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01604 611200
Free, independent information and advice to older people and their relatives, friends and carers. In common with most advice agencies in the county, we are receiving a higher level of enquiries than usual, so please bear with us.
For people age 55 and over.
We can usually help directly but if not, we can signpost you to someone who can. Our information and advice can support you to make the best decision - about the little things that can make a big difference, as well as major life changes.
Changes to the Winter Fuel Payment
Who is it for?
Older people living in Northamptonshire or their family or carers calling from around the UK.
What is the charge?
We do not make a charge for this service but donations are always gratefully received as this helps fund the team of advisers.
We can help with:
• Checking your benefit entitlement
• Help with benefit claim submissions to the Department for Work and Pensions
• Challenging adverse benefit decisions if we have completed the original claim
• Accessing services from Adult Social Care
• Identifying your housing options.
Live calls: Wednesday and Thursday 9am to 12pm on 01604 611207.
Attendance Allowance claims
We can help older people with significant long-term health conditions and disabilities to claim Attendance Allowance. Please get in touch as we can help you fill in the form.
Referrals by third party professionals
Use this link to our online form to refer a client to our Information & Advice Service.
What is offered by the service?
• One-to-one support to find solutions including referral to other agencies where appropriate
• Information on local, community and national services for older people and their carers
• Guidance on issues affecting older people and their carers and their welfare rights
• Assessment and calculation of entitlement to benefits
• Information on social and emotional issues, legal matters (Wills etc)
• We provide Age UK information guides and factsheets free of charge
• We provide copies of the Northamptonshire Care Services Directory which can also be viewed online
You can see the full list of Age UK's information guides and factsheets here
How does it work?
Contact us by telephone, email or letter. Or ask a trusted friend, family member, carer or other professional to contact us on your behalf with your explicit consent.
Check your entitlement
The Benefits Calculator can help you find out which benefits you could be entitled to. It's free to use and the details you provide are kept anonymous.
Start the Benefits Calculator on Age UK's website
In the financial year 2023/24 our team of seven part-time workers
• received 3,891 enquiries
• supported 1,688 new clients
• helped clients claim £3,683,327 in welfare benefits
• submitted 1,187 claims for Attendance Allowance for clients
• identified 172 clients as eligible to claim Pension Credit, 69 eligible for Housing Benefit, 207 for Council Tax Reduction and 93 carers eligible to claim Carers Allowance
• gave advice on other matters and signposted people to other services