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Stephen and his family appreciate our support.

This is the feedback Sue provided to the sister of our client, who we will call "Stephen".

I visited Stephen* this morning from 9am to 1pm to provide support with the EON smart meter installation and the falls monitor being set up. Both visits went well: the falls monitor box is plugged in behind the sofa and Stephen is wearing the wristband.

Eon will refer Stephen to their priority list for vulnerable customers too (I wasn’t sure if this is already in place?) so that he gets priority service during any power cuts. This is free of charge. The indoor smart meter was a little more complicated and I did go through the operation and purpose again with Stephen when the person left, they have also left some literature. I think it will take time for Stephen to get to grips with both devices but hopefully he will get used to them.

I also cooked a cottage pie from scratch whilst I was there to use up ingredients from the fridge. Stephen had a portion for lunch today with some fresh vegetables, another is left in the fridge and one portion has been frozen. I used the rest of my time between the appointments to sort out and fold some washing and clothing, prepared a sandwich for tea and washed up.

We chatted throughout visit as we usually do, mostly about the football and putting the world to rights!

Stephen found the morning to be somewhat difficult and confusing, with people coming and going and being given lots of information. I offered reassurance throughout so that he wasn’t too unsettled by the whole process. It was good though to get everything sorted in one morning.

*Please note the photo we've used is of a model