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We'll look after you.

We set the charges for day care at a reasonable level which contributes towards our costs.

  • Day care is £40 per day
  • Day care with additional support is £48 per day
  • Accessible transport adds £18 per day for return journey
  • £17.50 to have a bath at The William and Patricia Venton Centre

The William and Patricia Venton Centre in Northampton has facilities where clients can have a shower or bath. We are grateful to everyone who has contributed towards the cost of refurbishing the bathroom. Please contact us to book a session. 

Method of payment

Direct debit is our preferred method of payment as it allows us to collect payment for services from you on a regular basis.  It also avoids the risk of cheques getting lost in the post, payments being incorrectly allocated and delays in receiving your payment.

Some clients do choose to pay by cheque, either in person on the day or by post.  We will help you set up the method of payment that is most appropriate for your circumstances.

Personal care

The amount we charge will depend on an assessment of a person's needs.  All our day centres have trained staff who are able to help clients use the toilet.  The William and Patricia Venton Centre in Northampton has bathing facilities where clients can have a shower or a bath with the help of a member of staff. 

Toenail cutting at our day centres

We are now able to provide this service for £24.40 at The William and Patricia Venton Centre.  Please call 01604 210585 to arrange an appointment.

How long?

A day at a centre normally runs from 10am to 3pm.  The cost includes tea, coffee and refreshments and a freshly prepared two-course lunch. Our managers and their team organise a range of activities during the day including exercise, crafts, reminiscence groups, games, bingo and quizzes.  Throughout the year we also arrange occasional outings and visits from local entertainers.

Our trained staff offer a warm welcome, a listening ear and care appropriate to your needs.  With our support people keep their independence and remain active for longer, continuing to feel a valued member of their community and able to make the most of life. 

The centres are a safe and enjoyable way for older people to meet new friends and take part in activities that suit them.  We provide a purposely calm environment for people who may have complex needs, including physical impairment or dementia.

Please call 01604 611200 to find out more.

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