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28th Annual General Meeting

Published on 21 November 2024 10:23 AM

Chris Duff CEO of Age UK Northamptonshire.

Our 2024 AGM was held on Wednesday 20th November.

Chief Executive Christopher Duff opened our 28th Annual General Meeting at Moulton Community Centre in Northampton and gave an overview of the work of the charity over the past year.  "We are flexible, we support the whole person," he explained.  "In 2023/2024 we did more for more people than ever before."

We are grateful to the many local councillors and representatives from other charitable and social organisations who attended our AGM.  Thank you to Cllr Jane Birch, Deputy Mayor of Northampton, Tim Durham (Campaigns Officer for Mike Reader MP) and Neelam Agarwal-Singh MBE JP, Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Northamptonshire, seen below with our trustee Sandra Mellors [second from right] for your much appreciated support.

Thank you for your support.

Our AGM gives attendees the opportunity to hear about the services and support we provide to local older people and we encourage them to ask questions.  Our trustees John Corbishley and Dr Kevin Wilson were pleased to welcome our former Honorary Treasurer Andrew Rees [below centre] to the event.

Current and former trustees.

Chris Duff explained that, looking ahead, it's always a challenging time.  Although our annual turnover of £4.9M was at an all-time high our finances will be hit hard by the changes to national insurance contributions announced in the Chancellor's recent Autumn Budget.

Our annual report confirms that the total number of people referred to our services last year remained high at 14,575.  The split between North Northamptonshire Council and West Northamptonshire Council was roughly equal.  There was a record level of new clients accessing our services at 8,549, increasing from the previous year's record of 8,014.  The number of people we are working with at any one time rose consistently throughout the year 2023/24, and there were 9,191 clients being actively supported by at least one of our services by the end of March 2024.

Jamie Christie with the Mayor of Daventry, Cllr Karen Tweedle.

Jamie Christie, Appointeeship Coordinator who manages our Money Management Service, with the Mayor of Daventry, Cllr Karen Tweedale.   Karen's support is invaluable in ensuring that older people in Daventry know about our services and are able to benefit from them.

Thank you for your support.

Our trustee Joanna Marovitch was pleased to meet Cllr Jon Paul Carr, Mayor of Wellingborough, and Cllr Tom Partridge-Underwood from Bozeat.  It is always useful to hear the concerns of people living in all parts of the county.

Our next AGM will be held on Wednesday 19th November 2025. Venue to be confirmed.