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Thrapston shop wins Charter Fair trophy

Published on 17 September 2021 03:27 PM

Our fantastic stall at the Charter Fair.

Huge congratulations to shop manager Tracy and her team

It has been a difficult eighteen months for many of us and last year's Thrapston Charter Fair had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic.  This year the town was ready to set out the stalls and bring on the entertainment and our shop team were no different.  The theme for the window displays in 2021 was "A celebration" so Tracy Peploe and her team decided to celebrate the customers and volunteers who have supported us for the last 30 years.

The prize-winning window display.

The prize-winning window display on the theme of "A celebration".

Thank you for your support on the day.

Thank you to everyone who helped on the day and to all the friendly people who visited our stall to say hello.  We could not do it without you.

Tracy with the trophy.

Tracy accepts the trophy on behalf of her team.  Congratulations on a well-deserved win!  Every penny raised in our fantastic shop enables us to make a difference to local older people.

We were thrilled to win first prize!

The trophy was kindly presented by the Mayor of Thrapston Cllr Val Carter and Chairman of the Charter Fair Lindsey Burch.