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Thank you NCS in Raunds

Published on 07 August 2019 02:00 PM

A huge thank you to local NCS volunteers for their support

A group of young volunteers chose to support older people during their week of social action

As a local independent charity, Age UK Northamptonshire is always thrilled when young people in our county choose to support us.  We are delighted to thank a group of NCS (National Citizens Service) volunteers based in and around Raunds for their recent fundraising and community activities.  Phase 3 of the summer programme calls for "social action" and they are asked to devise a community project.  The volunteers in Raunds chose to focus on making a difference to the older people in their community. 

During their week of social action they visited a local care home.  The students said they had really enjoyed meeting the older people and for most of them it had been the first time they had been inside a care home.  They also got involved in some practical work, re-painting some benches that were in need of a fresh coat of paint.

Earlier the students completed a nine mile sponsored walk.  At the end of the week they organised a cake stall in Raunds Market Square and asked for donations for Age UK Northamptonshire.  We say a huge thank you to all the NCS volunteers, to their families and friends and to the people of Raunds who have raised a magnificent total of £325.75.  Every penny raised will help us provide improve later life for people n Northamptonshire.