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Focusing on social care

Published on 15 August 2019 12:06 PM

We provide services and support in Corby

Age UK Northamptonshire met Tom Pursglove in Corby to talk about social care

Last year we joined in the national Age UK campaign to raise awareness of the social care crisis affecting older people.  A pink inflatable piggy bank toured the country to highlight the fact that too many older people have their hospital discharge delayed due to a lack of care provision.  This is costing the NHS £500 a minute and the Government is being called on to urgently fix our broken system.

Corby MP Tom Pursglove agreed to meet representatives from Age UK Northamptonshire to hear about our work in the county and to listen to our concerns about the provision of social care in Northamptonshire.  Business Development Director Sue Watts [pictured above second from left] explained that we provide support that enables people to live independently for longer and our day centres play a vital role in preventing older people from being admitted to hospital or moving into residential care.  

The Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in his first speech as Prime Minister, has promised to fix the crisis in social care.  We believe that social care should be a priority for the Government and will campaign to secure a social care plan that truly improves the failing system.