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A week of remembrance

Published on 15 November 2019 04:03 PM

A week of remembrance activities

Patriotic themed props and activities keep the memories alive

Clients at our Four Seasons day centre in Kettering were amazed to see manager Mark dressed up in military uniform and driving a 1940s jeep.  As ever, Mark had laid on a special treat for his clients to commemorate Remembrance Sunday and also to help stimulate conversation.  Many of our clients were children during the second world war and most will have memories of relatives who served in either of the last two world wars.  Sharing memories and talking about loved ones who have not been forgotten can bring much comfort.  And of course the musical entertainment helps to lift the spirits.

Music can revive good memories

Reliving the camaraderie and joining in familiar songs can do you good.

A week of remembrance

Other information you may find useful

Our Four Season day centre