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Eileen parties with Prince Charles

Published on 23 November 2018 11:06 AM

Eileen with Rudolph, Hilda and Venton Centre Manager Vicky

Age UK Northamptonshire volunteer Eileen Thomson was thrilled to be invited to a special birthday party on Wednesday 14th November. 

The party, which was held at Spencer House in London, was organised by The Sun newspaper and attended by 70 people who, like the Prince of Wales were born in 1948.  And as Prince Charles is Patron of the national charity Age UK, among the 70 invitees were many volunteers for local Age UK charities who make a positive difference to their community.

Vicky Denney, manager of Age UK Northamptonshire's Venton Centre in Northampton, was delighted to nominate Eileen, who celebrated her 70th birthday in September.  Eileen (pictured above with Venton Centre clients Rudolph and Hilda and Vicky) volunteers regularly at the Venton Centre, welcoming clients to the Day Centre and having a friendly chat and ensuring they are comfortable.  Eileen also joins in activities and helps to serve lunch, making sure no one is left out.  Eileen says she loves volunteering for Age UK Northamptonshire because she wanted to do something that involved "being with people."  She says: "Older people are interesting because they have had a life.  That's why I like talking to them."

Eileen, in the front row, as the article appeared in The Sun newspaper

Amazingly, this was not the first time Eileen had met Prince Charles.  Their paths first crossed in 1982 at a Status Quo concert which was raising funds for The Prince's Trust charity.  Eileen says she enjoyed chatting to Prince Charles and Camilla at the glamourous tea party, and says "the house was absolutely stunning."

We can't promise that all our volunteers will be invited to party with royalty but we can say that spending time with older people, hearing their stories and helping them make more of life can be very rewarding.  If you've ever thought of volunteering for Age UK Northamptonshire, why not get in touch. 

Ring Jo Gunnett on 01604 611200 or call into one of our Day Centres and speak to the manager to find out more.