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  1. Whistleblowing Policy 10.12.21.pdf (PDF, 183 KB)

    practice • describe how employees should raise concerns and receive feedback on any action taken • allow employees to take the matter further if they are dissatisfied with the organisation’s response • reassure

  2. Guide to our Services 09.22a.pdf (PDF, 1 MB)

    locally to provide vital services across the county. Our relationship with other Age UK charities allows us to share knowledge and expertise, and to actively promote the wellbeing of older people through

  3. Grandparent's Day Pack 2024.pdf (PDF, 519 KB)

    older people right here in Norfolk. Our relationship with other Age UK brand partners across the UK allows us to share knowledge and expertise, and to actively promote the wellbeing of people in later life

  4. Age UK Norfolk Guide to our Services 12.22.pdf (PDF, 1 MB)

    locally to provide vital services across the county. Our relationship with other Age UK charities allows us to share knowledge and expertise, and to actively promote the wellbeing of older people through

  5. IT Policy jun 21.pdf (PDF, 187 KB)

    Communication Technology Information Communication Technology: all devices, applications and systems that allow us to store, manipulate, retrieve, transmit, receive information electronically. 5 Responsibilities ... first. 6.11 Using your own device Age UK Norfolk recognises the benefits that can be achieved by allowing staff and volunteers to use their own electronic devices when working at home or when travelling

  6. Guide to our Services 23.1.24.pdf (PDF, 1 MB)

    locally to provide vital services across the county. Our relationship with other Age UK charities allows us to share knowledge and expertise, and to actively promote the wellbeing of older people through

  7. IDN759 Fundraising Guide 10.20.pdf (PDF, 1 MB)

    either through Virgin Money Giving or JustGiving. It only takes a couple of minutes to set up and allows you to post a direct link to your fundraising page on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter ... around a hobby you enjoy, such as baking, dancing, knitting or cycling. 2. Be sure to plan ahead. Allow plenty of time to organise and promote your event. Be aware of major sporting events or holidays and

  8. NF factsheet 1 Emergency Response Telephones Updated Sept 2019.pdf (PDF, 321 KB)

    (online shop) or call on 0800 9788800. Email: The Canary activity-monitoring system allows people to check on relatives living elsewhere. For information, go to ... and want safety and independence indoors and out. It operates using the mobile phone network and allows the end users to continue living at home without restrictions. There is a small, mobile alarm device

  9. norfolk factsheet 1.pdf (PDF, 796 KB)

    (online shop) or call on 0800 9788800. Email: The Canary activity-monitoring system allows people to check on relatives living elsewhere. For information, go to (onlineshop) ... and want safety and independence indoors and out. It operates using the mobile phone network and allows the end users to continue living at home without restrictions. There is a small, mobile alarm device

  10. Professional Boundaries Policy 10.12.21.pdf (PDF, 210 KB)

    services, they are also responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries. Boundaries allow a service user and a member of staff or volunteer to engage in a supportive relationship and are based ... professional practice. These principles are: • Boundaries define the limits of behaviour, which allow a professional and a service user to engage safely in a supportive relationship. These boundaries