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  1. No 06 Conflicts of Interest Policy.pdf (PDF, 356 KB)

    Where the conflict of interest is so acute or extensive that following the options above will not allow the trustees to demonstrate that they have acted in the best interests of the charity, trustees may

  2. NFK 7 Access to computing sep 19.pdf (PDF, 321 KB) Norfolk Factsheet 7 – Access to computing 4 Open Libraries: A system to allow self-service customer access has been installed at a number of libraries. At some times during the

  3. 2019-NFK 7 Access to computing.pdf (PDF, 322 KB)

    computer in any library. For information, go to Open Libraries: A system to allow self-service customer access has been installed at a number of libraries. At some times during the

  4. NFK 10 Befriending.pdf (PDF, 212 KB)

    enjoy social events, particularly for those who would otherwise be isolated, lonely or too frail to attend without help. ACT is a registered charity and its work is undertaken almost entirely by volunteers

  5. NFK 7 Access to computing.pdf (PDF, 321 KB) Norfolk Factsheet 7 – Access to computing 4 Open Libraries: A system to allow self-service customer access has been installed at a number of libraries. At some times during the

  6. NF9 Consumer rights.pdf (PDF, 283 KB)

    14-day cancellation period, you must agree to waive your cancellation rights • Companies are not allowed to charge you for items they put in your online shopping basket or that you have bought as a result

  7. Building Connections in Norfolk_ Report and Shared Vision (1).pdf (PDF, 3 MB)

    experiencefeltbyeveryoneatsomepointintheirlivesandthereforedeterpeoplefrom attending.Focusingondifferentinterestsandactivities,whilstbeingsensitivetoindividual circumstances,couldhavesignificantlymoreimpact

  8. NF 10 Befriending.pdf (PDF, 213 KB)

    enjoy social events, particularly for those who would otherwise be isolated, lonely or too frail to attend without help. ACT is a registered charity and its work is undertaken almost entirely by volunteers

  9. NF 10 Befriending.pdf (PDF, 213 KB)

    enjoy social events, particularly for those who would otherwise be isolated, lonely or too frail to attend without help. ACT is a registered charity and its work is undertaken almost entirely by volunteers

  10. Building Connections in Norfolk_ Report and Shared Vision.pdf (PDF, 3 MB)

    experiencefeltbyeveryoneatsomepointintheirlivesandthereforedeterpeoplefrom attending.Focusingondifferentinterestsandactivities,whilstbeingsensitivetoindividual circumstances,couldhavesignificantlymoreimpact