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  1. df tourism tips leaflet.pdf (PDF, 2 MB)

    helps. When sachets and teabags are all jumbled up it can be confusing. Mealtimes Be patient and allow extra time, especially if the guest needs assistance from their carer. “Be kind and understanding

  2. September 2024 Diary Dates 23.7.24.pdf (PDF, 1 MB)

    opportunity to improve wellbeing, try something new and meet others in a safe environment. Free to attend, but booking is essential. Click on the link below to go to the website page. There is more information ... opportunity to improve wellbeing, try something new and meet others in a safe environment. Free to attend, but booking is essential. Click on the link below to go to the website page. There is more information

  3. Appendix - Task and Consent form V2.docx (DOCX, 69 KB)

    Regulated and/or unmanageable debts to StepChange and support any recommended solutionAttendance Allowance – refer to AUKN Advice line for applications/upgrades*if ordering forms email advice@ageuknorfolk

  4. Trustee Recruitment Pack 12.23.pdf (PDF, 9 MB)

    brand partner of Age UK National, our relationship with the other 125 Age UK partners across the UK allows us to share knowledge and expertise, and to actively promote the wellbeing of older people through ... necessary and should give enough time, thought and energy to your role, for example by preparing for, attending and actively participating in all Trustees’ meetings. Ensure your Charity is accountable You and

  5. ncoa250417.docx (DOCX, 757 KB)

    Older People’s Forum) and Cllr Sue Whitaker (Norfolk County Council Adult Social Care Committee)In Attendance: Tim Allard (Norfolk Carers Support), Marc Betts (EDP), Edward Fraser (Norfolk Healthwatch), Dr ... as this only related to care issues. Mr McGrath reported on the consultation on the disability allowance disregardbeing decreased from £15 per week to £7.50 per week. Where a person can show that they

  6. March 2025 ( as of 17th Dec)Diary dates.pdf (PDF, 2 MB)

    Hellesdon Companionship Café (NEW) When: 2nd Friday of each month Where: Hellesdon Library, NR6 5QB Attendance is free, and no booking is required. For more details, contact: Email: hannah.begley@homeinstead ... jigsaws, painting, knitting, and baking. There are also “memory books” which can prompt those attending to reminisce. Other groups at the Church include an over 55’s group, a bereavement support group

  7. ncoa280115.docx (DOCX, 55 KB)

    Institutes) and Pat Wilson (Norfolk and Norwich Pensioners Association / Norfolk Older People’s Forum)In Attendance: Anne Bunting (The Norfolk and Norw ich Association for the Blind), Chief Inspector Amanda Ellis ... of Age UK Norfolk’s response to the consultation. The notes would be circulated to everyone who attended the meeting and to those who had sent their apologies. Ms Skelton was asked to upload the notes

  8. Feb 2025 Diary dates.pdf (PDF, 1014 KB)

    jigsaws, painting, knitting, and baking. There are also “memory books” which can prompt those attending to reminisce. Other groups at the Church include an over 55’s group, a bereavement support group ... online exercise classes provided by EPIC Norfolk( Exercising People in Communities) They are free to attend and suitable for anybody. The exercises can be done seated or standing. Monday – Over-50’s Exercise

  9. age uk norfolk annual review 20162017.pdf (PDF, 1 MB)

    fundraising to provide vital services across the county. Our relationship with other Age UK charities allows us to share knowledge and expertise, and to actively promote the wellbeing of older people through ... Dementia Friends. attended workshops connected to the DFC project 153 people 31 bereaved carersliving with Dementia and their carers supported through Pabulum 74 people have continued to attend Pabulum ageuknorfolk

  10. Age UK Norfolk - Dementia Cafe Toolkit.pdf (PDF, 948 KB)

    dementia café 54 Supporting carers Supporting carers is an important function of a dementia café. Attending a group can be of real benefit to the carers; they can meet other people who are in the same situation ... something they enjoy as it will give them a break. Café volunteers are not professional carers and cannot attend to a person’s personal care needs and as such, carers will always need to be present at the café